19 Sep 2024
Distinguished Young Fellow, The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, nominated by The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, Sept 2024 |
25 Jun 2023
The HKCFP Best Research Award 2022. Project title ' Ten-Year Effectiveness of the Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme-Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM) on Macrovascular and Microvascular Complications and All-cause Mortality: A Population-Based Cohort Study'. |
6 July 2023
Outstanding Poster Presentation Award, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, Hong Kong Primary Care Conference “Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices of and Perceived Barriers to Using Point-of-care Ultrasound by Primary Care Physicians in Hong Kong” |
6 - 8 Dec, 2019
2019 HKU Faculty of Medicine Outstanding Research Output Award - Dr Eric Yuk Fai WAN
17 - 21 Oct, 2018
1st Distinguished Research Making Family Medicine Shine Award for “Five-Year Effectiveness of the Multi-disciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme – Diabetes Mellitus (RAMPDM) on Diabetes-Related Complications and Health Service Uses – A Population-Based and PropensityMatched Cohort Study” |
17 - 21 Oct, 2018
Best Contribution to Family Medicine Award for “Five-Year Effectiveness of the Multi-disciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme – Diabetes Mellitus (RAMPDM) on Diabetes-Related Complications and Health Service Uses – A Population-Based and PropensityMatched Cohort Study” - Dr Eric Yuk Fai WAN |
16 Jul, 2018
University of Hong Kong/China Medical Board Grants 2017/2018 (Second Round), Committee of Management of the Grant. 2018. - Dr Tony Kai Sing SUN |
16 Jun, 2017
Excellent Research Award, Health Research Symposium 2017, Food & Health Bureau, Government of HKSAR. Cindy L.K. Lam & Carlos K. H. Wong et. al. Health-related Quality of Life of Patients with Colorectal Neoplasm and Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Hong Kong. |
15 Jun, 2017
YS and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2016 - Dr Tony Kai Sing SUN |
01 Jun, 2017
Best Research Paper Award, HKCFP 40th Anniversary Conference 2017. Weng-Yee Chin & Cindy L.K. Lam et al. Validation of the Treatment Burden Questionnaire on Chinese patients with multi-morbidity. |
01 Jun, 2017
4. 中华医学会《中华全科医师杂志》2017年度优秀论文三等奖 (Chines Medical Association (Chinese Journal of General Practice) 2017 Third Meritorious Paper Award). 劉瑞紅, 林露娟, 李卓, 陳慶奇, 賈亦真, 黃志威. 綜合醫院全科門診患者自強能力及關因素調查分析. (Patient enablement and its related factors in family medicine clinic of a general hospital.) 中國全科醫師雜志 ( Chinese J Gen Practice) 2017; 16 (9): 681-86. Awarded September, 2018. |
01 Jul, 2016
Best Oral Presentation Award: "Not all patients with impaired fasting glucoase require the same management - development of a nomogram for predicting regression from impaired fasting glucose to normoglycaemia for primary care patients in Hong Kong, , Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2016. - Dr Esther Yee Tak YU |
01 Jul, 2016
Best Oral Presenter Award, 13th Asia-Pacific Medical Education Conference, National University of Singapore. 2016. - Dr Julie Yun CHEN |
01 Jul, 2016
Best Poster Award, Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2016 - Mr Edmond Pui Hang CHOI |
01 Jul, 2016
Bronze in Discipline Award (Life Sciences), in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education competition: Interprofessional Team-Based Learning for Health Professional Students, QS Wharton Reimagine Education Awards. 2016.- Chan L.K. |
01 Jul, 2016
HKU Outstanding Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong. 2016 - Dr Julie Yun CHEN |
01 Jul, 2016
HKU Teaching Exchange Fellowship, The University of Hong Kong. 2016 - Dr Julie Yun CHEN |
01 Jun, 2016
Best Research Paper Award. Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2016. Colman SC Fung, Eric YF Wan. & Cindy L.K. Lam et al, Relationship of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio with incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases and Mortality in Chinese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Hong Kong primary care. |
12 May, 2016
YS and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2015 - Dr Tony Kai Sing SUN |
4 - 6 Mar, 2016
First Runner-up for Best Paper: William Chi Wai WONG, Li J, Chen KK. The effects of Patient Empowerment Project (PEP) for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) using Motivational Interviewing. The 3rd Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange GP Conference. 海医会全科专业委员会论文一等奖 (综合医院全科门诊服务质量评估) - Dr William Chi Wai WONG |
10 - 11 Dec, 2015
Best Poster Award for Students, The 6th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum 2015 - WAN Y.F., Fung S.C.C., Fong D.Y.T., JIAO F., Chan K.C., Chan K.H., Kwok L.P. and Lam C.L.K. |
01 Jul, 2015
Awardee of the Best Presentation Award: Evaluation and Mechanism Analysis of HIV Prevention Programme Using Resilience Framework Among Female Sex Workers: A Randomised Controlled Trial, In: Wong WCW, Yuen WYW, Tang CSK, Holroyd H, Fong DYT. , Lancet- CAMS Conference, Beijing, China. 2015 - Wong W.C.W., YUEN W.Y.W., Tang C.S.K., Holroyd E.L.E.A.N.O.R. and Fong D.Y.T. |
01 Jul, 2015
Best Clinical Research abstract, International Primary Care Respiratory Group. 2015 - Dr Kenny Kung |
01 Jul, 2015
Best Poster Presentation Award, 2015 Hong Kong Primary Care Conference, 2015 - Chin W.Y., Choi P.H. and Chan T.Y. |
01 Jul, 2015
Best Research Paper Award 2014: "Can HbA1c replace OGTT for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus among Chinese patients with impaired fasting glucose?" , Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. 2015 - Yu Y.T.E., Wong C.K.H., Wong S.Y.S. and Lam C.L.K. |
01 Jul, 2015
Best Trainee Research Paper Award: "Which test to pick for detecting diabetes mellitus among Chinese patients with impaired fasting glucose: OGTT, FG or HbA1c?", Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2015 - Yu Y.T.E., Wong C.K.H., Wong S.Y.S. and Lam C.L.K. |
01 Jul, 2015
Finalist Best Poster Presentation, Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, 2015 - Wong P.Y., Chan L.C., Chen J.Y. and Ho R.T.H. |
01 Jul, 2015
Finalist for Best Free Communication , Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, 2015 - Wong G.T.C., Jenkins C.R., Tsang J.W.H., Chen J.Y., Chan L.C. and Tanner J.A. |
01 Jul, 2015
HKU-Hughes Hall Fellowship, University of Cambridge. 2015 - Dr William Chi Wai WONG |
01 Jul, 2015
Best Research Paper, WONCA Asia Pacific Conference. 2015 - Wong W.C.W. and Cai F.Y. |
01 Jul, 2015
The Best Oral Presentation Award, Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2015 - Dr Tony Kai Sing SUN |
May, 2015
Awardee of the Best Presentation Award at the Lancet-CAMS Conference 2015 Beijing, China世界家庭医生组织亚太分会台北论文展览,论文二等奖 (深圳市代谢综合征患者就医选择及其影响因素的质性研究) - Dr William Chi Wai WONG |
01 Jul, 2014
Oral Merit Award, WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference, 2014 - Chen J.Y., Chin W.Y. and Tsang J.P.Y. |
01 Jul, 2014
Young Researcher Scholarships, 2014 Asian Chinese Quality of Life Conference cum Inauguration of the World Association for Chinese Quality of Life. 2014 - CHOI P.H., Lam C.L.K. and Chin W.Y. |
01 Jul, 2014
Best Poster Award on "Health-related Quality of Life of Patients with Colorectal Neoplasm and Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Hong Kong", Health Research Symposium 2014 - Wong C.K.H., Lam C.L.K., Law W.L., Poon T.C.J., McGhee S. and Fong D.Y.T. |
01 Jul, 2014
Best Research Award 2013, Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. 2014 - Chin W.Y., Lam C.L.K., Wong S.Y.S., Lo Y.C.Y., Fong D.Y.T., Lam T.P., Lee P.W.H., Wong J.G.W.S. and Chiu B.C.F. |
01 Jul, 2014
Oral Merit Award, WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference, 2014 - Chin W.Y., Lam C.L.K., Wong S.Y.S., Fong D.Y.T., Lo Y.C.Y., Lam T.P., Chiu B.C.F. and Chan T.Y. |
01 Jul, 2014
Reaching Out Award, HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund, 2014 - Sun K.S., |
01 Jun, 2014
Distinguished Paper Award. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, 2014. Weng Yee Chin, Eric YF Wan & Cindy L.K. Lam et al. Who Gets Diagnosed With Depression in Hong Kong’s Primary Care and What Happens to Them Over a Year? |
01 Jun, 2014
Best Poster Presentation Award, Health Research Symposium 2014, Hong Kong. Cindy L.K. Lam & Carlos K.H. Wong et al. Health-related Quality of Life of patients with Colorectal Neoplasm and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Hong Kong. |
01 Jul, 2013
Merit award for best poster, Institute for Medical and Health Sciences Education, University of Hong King. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a workshop using simulate, 2013 - Chin W.Y., Yip A.L.M., Chen J.Y. and Chau T.W. |
01 Jul, 2013
Diabetes Risk Score smartphone application (DRS app): its application in diabetes prevention and health education, Knowledge Exchange (KE) Fund Exercise 2013/14 – Impact Project, UGC. 2013 - Leung A.Y.M., Lam K.S.L., Lam C.L.K., Yu Y.T.E. and Cheung M.K.T. |
01 Jul, 2013
Best Poster Presentation Award: "The Use of HbA1c Improved Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus among At-Risk Individuals in the Community Setting in Hong Kong" , Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2013 - Yu Y.T.E., Wong C.K.H., Tam J.H., Tsui H.Y., Luk W., Yiu Y.K. and Lam C.L.K. |
01 Jul, 2013
First Place Poster Presentation, 2nd NUS-NUH International Nursing Conference & 18th Singapore- Malaysia Nursing Conference. 2013 - CHOI P.H., Lam C.L.K. and Chin W.Y. |
01 Jul, 2013
Best Oral Presentation, Hong Kong Primary Care Conference, 2013 - Chin W.Y., Chan T.Y., Lam C.L.K., Lam T.P., Wong S.Y.S., Fong D.Y.T., Lo Y.C.Y. and Chiu B.C.F. |
01 Jul, 2013
Award of Merit (Best Poster), Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education, IMHSE, LKS Faculty of Medicine. 2013 - Chen J.Y., Chin W.Y., Tsui K.Y.J., Chan N.K., Tsang J.P.Y. and Chau T.W. |
01 Jul, 2013
Faculty Teaching Medal 2013, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong - Dr Weng Yee CHIN |
01 Jul, 2013
Merit award for best poster, Institute for Medical and Health Sciences Education, University of Hong King. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a workshop using simulate, 2013 - Chin W.Y., Yip A.L.M., Chen J.Y. and Chau T.W. |
01 Jul, 2013
Wong Ching Yee Medical Postgraduate Scholarships, The University of Hong Kong. 2012 - Dr Carlos King Ho WONG |
01 Jul, 2013
Outstanding Teaching Award (Team), The University of Hong Kong. 2013 - Chan L.C., Chen J.Y. and Tsang J.W.H., |
01 Jul, 2012
Faculty Teaching Medal, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. 2012 - Dr Julie Yun CHEN |
01 Jul, 2012
2011 Hong Kong College of Family Physicians Best Research Award for the paper titled “Study on the cancer risk preception and prevention behaviours among relatives of advanced cancer patients and the role of family physicians in caring for them”, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians . 2012 - Yau L.M., Wun Y.T., Lam T.P., Wong T.K., Lam P.T. and Chao D.V.K. |
01 Jul, 2012
Finalist Best Oral Presentation, Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, 2012 - Chen J.Y., Chan L.K., Lam C.L.K. and Chan L.C. |
01 Jul, 2012
Interprofessional online learning for dementia (IPOLD), Teaching Development Grants (TDG) awards. 2012 - Leung A.Y.M., Wong I.C.K., Chen J.Y., Lou V.W., Law A.C.K., Lam M.P.S., Chan W.L.P., Poon P.W.R. and Chan K.M.K. |
01 Jul, 2012
Teaching Exchange Fellowship, The University of Hong Kong. 2012 - Dr Julie Yun CHEN |
01 Jul, 2012
Winner of Best Student Poster Presentation Award on "Assessing the Measurement Invariance of the Functional Assessment of Cancer therapy-colorectal Quality of Life Instrument between Self- and Interviewer-Administration", 19th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, Budapest, Hungary, 2012 - Dr Carlos King Ho WONG, Professor Cindy Lo Kuen LAM |
01 Jul, 2012
HKCFP research fellowship 2012, Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. 2012 - Yu Y.T.E., Wong C.K.H. and Wong Y.S.S. |
01 Jul, 2011
Wong Ching Yee Medical Postgraduate Scholarships, The University of Hong Kong. 2011 - Dr Carlos King Ho WONG |
01 Jul, 2011
Honorary Fellow, Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. 2011 - Professor Cindy Lo Kuen LAM |
01 Jul, 2011
HEPA program: An health enhancement program for older adults (Best Paper Award), The 8th World Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities and Asian Ageing Development Conference. 2011. - Ma K.Y., Cheung K.T., Leung A.Y.M., Tse M.A., Lancaster B.J. and Lam C.L.K. |
01 Jul, 2010
Justice of the Peace, Government of the HKSAR. 2010 - Professor Cindy Lo Kuen LAM |
01 Jul, 2010
Winner of Best Student Oral Presentation Award on "A Pilot Study on Validation of Traditional Chinese FACT-C on Patients with Colorectal Neoplasm", 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, London, United Kingdom. 2010 - Wong C.K.H., Lam C.L.K., Law W.L., Poon T.C.J. and Chan P. |
01 Jun, 2010
2010 Research Output Prize (Faculty of Architecture), the University of Hong Kong. Cindy L.K. Lam in collaboration with Wong SK (PI) et al, Faculty of Architecture for research project on “ sick Building Syndrome and Perceived Indoor Environment Quality: A Survey of Apartment Buildings in Hong Kong”. |
01 Jun, 2010
Excellent Research Award in Health Services, Health Research Symposium 2010, Food & Health Bureau, Cindy L.K. Lam in collaboration with Gabriel Leung (P.I.) et al., Department of Community Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. A Cost-effectiveness analysis of mammography screening in Hong Kong Chinese using state-transition Markov modelling. |