Professor Amy Pui Pui NG

Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care
  • BSc (Canada), MD (Canada), CCFP(Canada), FCFP (Canada) , FHKAM (Family Medicine), Specialist in Family Medicine

Amy graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo, Canada. She then obtained her Doctor of Medicine from the University of Toronto, Canada, and completed her Family Medicine Residency at North York General Hospital under the University of Toronto. After completing her residency, Amy became a certificant of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. In 2023, she received her Fellowship from The College of Family Physicians of Canada. In 2024, she became a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine-Family Medicine and was awarded as a Distinguished Young Fellow.

Amy has previously worked as a Resident Physician at Singhealth Polyclinics in Singapore and as a Family Physician at The University of Hong Kong Shen Zhen Hospital (HKU-SZH) in Shenzhen. In 2018, she joined the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care (FMPC) at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) as a Clinical Associate. She was later promoted to Clinical Assistant Professor in 2021. Currently, she serves as the Chief of Postgraduate Education (FMPC) and co-coordinator of several undergraduate programmes at HKU. Along with teaching, she is also an honorary resident of Hong Kong’s Hospital Authority, where she provides clinical services, and continues to serve as an Honorary Consultant at HKU-SZH. Amy is a scholar of the Asia-Pacific Academic Primary Care Group and remains actively engaged in primary care-related research. Her research interests include medical education, mental health, and primary care-related fields.

Key Research Areas
  • Mental Health
  • Primary Care
  • Musculoskeletal Health /Physical Activity
  • Clinical Family Medicine 

Key Publications
Journal publications
  1. Ng, A. P. P., Chen, Q., Wu, D. D., Leung, S. C. (2024) Improving hypertension management in primary care. BMJ; 386 :q1466 doi:10.1136/bmj.q1466 (invited Editorial)
  2. Tu, K., Lapadula, M. C., Apajee, J., Bonilla, A. O., Baste, V., Cuba-Fuentes, M. S., ... Ng, A. P. P.,  & INTRePID. (2024). Changes in reasons for visits to primary care after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic: An international comparative study by the International Consortium of Primary Care Big Data Researchers (INTRePID). PLOS Global Public Health, 4(8), e0003406.
  3. Westfall, J. M., Ortigoza Bonilla, A., Lapadula, M. C., Zingoni, P. L., Wong, W. C., Wensaas, K. A.,… Ng, A. P. P.,... & Tu, K. Changes in primary care visits for respiratory illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multinational study by the International Consortium of Primary Care Big Data Researchers (INTRePID). Frontiers in Medicine, 11, 1343646.
  4. Silva-Valencia, J., Lapadula, C., Westfall, J. M., Gaona, G., de Lusignan, S., Kristiansson, R. S.,… Ng, A. P. P.,  ... & Kidd, M. (2024). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health visits in primary care: an interrupted time series analysis from nine INTRePID countries. EClinicalMedicine, 70.
  5. Lu, F., Wong, C. K. H., Ng, A. P. P., Li, L., Fong, D. Y. T., Ip, P., ... & Lam, C. L. K. (2024). Effectiveness of a 5-year health empowerment programme on promoting cardiovascular health for adults from low-income families in Hong Kong. Patient Education and Counseling, 124, 108240.
  6. Peng, K., Tu, K., Li, Z., Hallinan, C. M., Laughlin, A., Manski‐Nankervis, J. A., ... & Ng, A. P. P*, Wong, W. C. W. (2024). Global impacts of COVID‐19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health services: An international comparative study on primary care from the INTRePID Consortium. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 131(4), 508-517.
  7. Xu, W., Mak, I. L., Zhang, R., Yu, E. Y. T., Ng, A. P. P., Lui, D. T. W., ... & Wan, E. Y. F. (2024). Optimizing the frequency of physician encounters in follow-up care for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. BMC Primary Care, 25(1), 41.
  8. Ng, A. P. P., Chin, W. Y., Wan, E. Y. F., Chen, J., & Lau, C. S. (2023). Health-related quality of life in Hong Kong physicians up to 20 years post-graduation: A cross-sectional survey. Plos one, 18(4), e0284253.
  9. Ng, A. P. P., Cheng, J. K. Y., Lam, J. S. M., Wong, C. K. H., Cheng, W. H. G., Tse, E. T. Y., ... & Lam, C. L. K. (2023). Patient enablement and health-related quality of life for patients with chronic back and knee pain: a cross-sectional study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 73(736), e867-e875.
  10. Lu, F., Wong, C. K. H., Tse, E. T. Y., Ng, A. P. P., Li, L., Lam, J. S. M., ... & Lam, C. L. K. (2023). The Impact of a Health Empowerment Program on Self-Care Enablement and Mental Health among Low-Income Families: Evidence from a 5 Year Cohort Study in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6), 5168.
  11. Ng, A. P. P., Liu, K. S. N., Cheng, W. H. G., Wong, C. K. H., Cheng, J. K. Y., Lam, J. S. M., ... & Lam, C. L. K. (2022). Feasibility and acceptability of electronic EQ-5D-5L for routine measurement of HRQOL in patients with chronic musculoskeletal problems in Hong Kong primary care. Health and quality of life outcomes, 20(1), 1-14.
  12. Chen K, Li Z, Liu R, Zhu Y, Yan W, Ng, APP and Chen Z (2022) Distribution of health problems at the general outpatients' clinic of the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital: A cross-sectional study. Front. Public Health 10:889819. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.889819
  13. Bedford, L. E., Tang, E. H. M., Dong, W., Wong, C. K. H., Tse, E. T. Y., Ng, A. P. P., ... & Lam, C. L. K. (2022). Who reports insufficient and disturbed sleep? Results from a representative population-based health survey in Hong Kong. BMJ open, 12(9), e058169.
  14. Tu, K., Kristiansson, R. S., Gronsbell, J., de Lusignan, S., Flottorp, S., Goh, L. H., ...Ng, A.P.P & Stephenson, E. (2022). Changes in primary care visits arising from the COVID-19 pandemic: an international comparative study by the International Consortium of Primary Care Big Data Researchers (INTRePID). BMJ open, 12(5), e059130
  15. Ng, A. P. P., Chin, W. Y., Wan, E. Y. F., Chen, J., & Lau, C. S. (2021). Prevalence of depression and suicide ideation in Hong Kong doctors: a cross-sectional study. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-11.
  16. Yu, M. W. C., Fung, J. L. F., Ng, A. P. P., Li, Z., Lan, W., Chung, C. C. Y., ... & Wong, W. C. W. (2021). Preparing genomic revolution: Attitudes, clinical practice, and training needs in delivering genetic counseling in primary care in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, e1702.
  17. Ng, A. P. P., Chin, W. Y., Wan, E. Y. F., Chen, J., & Lau, C. S. (2020). Prevalence and severity of burnout in Hong Kong doctors up to 20 years post-graduation: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 10(10), e040178.
Book Chapters
  1. 2024 Depression and anxiety in primary care in Asia Pacific-Depression and Anxiety in Hong Kong, SAR. Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care-International Perspective (WONCA).
  2. 2010 Toronto Notes Family Medicine Chapter published by The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto
  3. 2009 Essential Clinical Skills Examination Handbook 6th Edition Psychiatry Chapter Medicine Chapter published by The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto
Feb-22 Seminar on ”Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms”. 深圳市国际家庭医生能力提升培训班(Shenzhen International Family Doctor Competency Enhancement Course), Shenzhen, PR China, 13 February, 2022 Dr. Amy Ng Invited speaker
Sep-21 Seminar on "Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms" , Multi-speciality Medical Mega Conference - Hong Kong, 11 September, 202 Dr. Amy Ng Invited speaker
Aug-21 Seminar on” 常用教学方法: PBL/CBL”. 广东省全科医生骨干师资培训课程 (Guangdong General Practice Trainer Training Course), 香港大学深圳医院 (HKU Shenzhen Hospital), Shenzhen, PR China, 27 August Dr. Amy Ng Invited speaker
Apr-21 Seminar on “Seminar on "职业道德与医学人文 (Professional Ethics and Humanities)".2021年广东省住院医师规范化培训全科专业普通师资班 (2021 Guangdong General Practice Trainer Training Course), 香港大学深圳医院 (HKU Shenzhen Hospital), Shenzhen, PR China, 14 April 2021. Dr. Amy Ng Invited speaker
Nov-20 Seminar on 常用教学方法: PBL/CBL 广东省全科医生骨干师资培训课程 (Guangdong General Practice Trainer Training Course), 香港大学深圳医院 (HKU Shenzhen Hospital), Shenzhen, PR China, 20 November 2020. (Teleconference) Dr. Amy Ng Invited speaker
Aug-20 Seminar on "职业道德与医学人文 (Professional Ethics and Humanities)". 2020年广东省住院医师规范化培训全科专业普通师资班. 香港大学深圳医院 (HKU Shenzhen Hospital) ,Shenzhen, PR China (by Zoom), 12 August, 2020. Dr. Amy Ng Invited speaker


Research Funding
Principal Investigator
Assessing knowledge, attitudes, practices of and perceived barriers to using point-of-care ultrasound by primary care physicians in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong College of Family Physician Research Seed Fund (HK$25000).
Assessing knowledge, attitudes, practices of and perceived barriers to using point-of-care ultrasound by primary care physicians in Hong Kong. Enhanced New Staff Start-up Research Grant, The University of Hong Kong, (HK$380,000).


Co Investigator
2024-present Evaluation of the adoption of the Hong Kong Reference Framework for Common Musculoskeletal Problems in Primary Care Settings: a mixed method study, Health and Medical Research Fund, (HK$1,499,978)
2023-present Impact of Social Media on Body Dissatisfaction among Chinese Adolescents: A Mixed Methods Study. Health and Medical Research Fund, (HK$805,900)
2023-present Optimizing frequency of follow-up visits for patients with diabetes mellitus in primary care based on risk stratification– randomized controlled trial emulation using real-world data. Health and Medical Research Fund, (HK$989,840)
2024-2027 An evaluation of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme, CDCC Pilot Scheme : a commissioned study (HK$7,995,260)
2022- 2025 Development and validation of a 10-year risk assessment tool for fragility fractures using electronic medical records for case finding of high-risk individuals in Hong Kong, Health and Medical Research Fund, (HK$1,391,664)
2021-2023 A living library of patient-educators for virtual teaching, learning and assessment of clinical consultation skills for medical, Teaching and Learning Grant. The University of Hong Kong. (HK$300,000)
2022-2023 Curriculum and pedagogical innovation: Enhancement of interdisciplinary professional skills in physical activity (PA) counselling, Teaching and Learning Grant. The University of Hong Kong. (HK $106,900.0)

Professional Services
Professional Committees
Jan 2025 to present Young Doctors Committee, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
2024 to present Mentor, The University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine