Professor Emily Tsui Yee TSE

Dr Emily Tsui Yee TSE

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Assistant Dean (Health System Advancement), LKS Faculty of Medicine


  • MBBS(HK), FHKCFP, FRACGP, FHKAM (Family Medicine), Specialist in Family Medicine

Emily graduated from The University of Hong Kong with an M.B.B.S. degree. She became a specialist in Family Medicine in 2010. She was appointed the Associate Consultant in the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Healthcare, Hong Kong West Cluster, Hospital Authority in 2015. During her over 15 years of clinical work in family medicine, she accumulated management skills, built medical education interest and contributed to the training of family medicine trainees. She has been an Honorary Clinical Supervisor for Basic and Higher Training of the Vocational Training Program of The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians since 2011.

In 2018, Emily decided to change her career focus to participate more in medical education. She joined The University of Hong Kong with a vision of promoting family medicine as a channel to offer primary, continuous, comprehensive and whole-person care to patients, and attracting students with the like aspiration to join this career path.

Key Research Areas
  • Health service delivery models building and evaluation
  • Clinical family medicine

Key Publications
Journal Publications
  1. Tse ETY, Wong CKH, Wu DD, Chen JY, Lam TP, A Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring the Willingness of Hong Kong People to Use Teleconsultation in Primary Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2024 First published 15 Nov 2024
  2. Cheng, W.H., Dong, W., Tse, E.T., Wong, C.K., Chin, W.Y., Bedford, L.E., Fong, D.Y., Ko, W.W., Chao, D.V., Tan, K.C. and Lam, C.L. (2024), External validation of the Hong Kong Chinese non-laboratory risk models and scoring algorithm for case finding of prediabetes and diabetes mellitus in primary care. J Diabetes Investig. 2024 June 21.
  3. Lu, F., Wong, C. K. H., Ng, A. P. P., Li, L., Fong, D. Y. T., Ip, P., Tse, E. T. Y. & Lam, C. L. K. (2024). Effectiveness of a 5-year health empowerment programme on promoting cardiovascular health for adults from low-income families in Hong Kong. Patient Education and Counseling, 124, 108240.
  4. Dong W, Cheng WHG, Tse ETY, et al, Development and validation of a diabetes mellitus and prediabetes risk prediction function for case finding in primary care in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional study and a prospective study protocol paper, BMJ Open 2022;12:e059430. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059430
  5. Dong WN, Tse ETY, Lynn Ivy Mak, Wong CKH, Wan EYF, Tang HM, Chin WY, Bedford LE, Yu EYT, Ko WWK, Chao DVK, Tan KCB, Lam CLK, Non‐laboratory‐based risk assessment model for case detection of diabetes mellitus and pre‐diabetes in primary care. J Diabetes Investig. 2022 First published: 16 March 2022
  6. Lam CLK, Tse ETY, Wong CKH, Lam JSM, Chen SQ, Bedford LE, Cheung JPY, Or CK, Paul Kind, A pilot study on the validity and psychometric properties of the electronic EQ 5D 5L in routine clinical practice. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2021) 19:266 DOI 10.1186/s12955-021-01898-3
  7. Tse ETY, Lam CLK, Wong CKH, Chin WY, Etz RS, Zyzanski SJ, Stange KC., Exploration of the psychometric properties of the Person-Centred Primary Care Measure (PCPCM) in a Chinese primary care population in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional validation study. BMJ Open 2021;11:e052655. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052655
  8. Tse ETY, Lam CLK, Wong CKH, Chin WY, Etz RS, Zyzanski SJ, Stange KC., Cultural adaptation and content validity of a Chinese translation of the ‘Person-Centered Primary Care Measure’: findings from cognitive debriefing. Family Medicine and Community Health 2020;8:e000621.
  9. Wong C.K.H, Tong T., Cheng H.L., Tang H.M., Thokala P., Tse T.Y.E. and Lam C.L.K., Direct medical costs in the preceding, event and subsequent years of first severe hypoglycaemia episode requiring hospitalization: A population-based cohort study, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2019, 21(6): 1330-1339. (Publication No. : 296959)
Conference Papers
  1. Tse ETY, Wong CKH, Wu DD, Chen JY, Lam TP., A Cross-sectional Survey Exploring the Willingness of Hong Kong People to use Teleconsultation in Primary Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic . Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2024, Hong Kong, 5-7 July 2024.
  2. Tse ETY. A patient with Deranged Liver Function. Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2023, Hong Kong, 23-25 June 2023.
  3. Tse ETY. An infant with umbilical hernia. Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2022, Hong Kong, 17-19 June 2022.
  4. Tse ETY. A patient with left 4th cranial nerve palsy. Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2021, Hong Kong, 30 July -1 August 2021.
  5. Tse ETY, Lam CLK, Wong CKH, Chin WY, Etz RS, Zyzanski SJ, Stange KC., The validity and psychometric properties of the Person-Centered Primary Care Measure in a Chinese Population. Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference 2021, Singapore, 16 July 2021. 
  6. Tse ETY. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome without numbness. Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2020, Hong Kong, 11-13 Sep 2020.
  7. Tse ETY. Doctor, by the way, I have more bowel opening these days… Does it matter?. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Conference & Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2019, Hong Kong, 6-8 December 2019.
  8. Shi Y.M., Wong C.K.H., Man K.C.K., Chan E.W., Ho C.W., Tse T.Y.E., Wong I.C.K. and Lam C.L.K., Treatment intensification with Dipeptidylpeptidase-4 inhibitor, insulin, or Thiazolidinediones and risks of cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality in patients on metformin-sulfonylurea dual therapy, 14th International Symposium on Healthy Aging “Embrace the Golden Years”, Hong Kong, 2019. (Publication No. : 297381)
  9. Tse ETY. Two cases of scarlet fever seen in Hong Kong. GP18 Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 11-13 October 2018
  10. Tse ETY. Rise in creatine kinase in a patient on statin. Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2018, Hong Kong, 23-24 June 2018
  11. Tse ETY. Poor R wave Progression in a screening ECG. Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2016, Hong Kong, 4-5 June 2016
  12. Tse ETY, Wang J, Kwong A, Wan WF, Yeung KK, Fung F, Chan LK, Lai YP, Cheung PC, Lee LL, Ho C, Ko W, Tsui W, Leung E, Leung C, Chow WS. Starting insulin in GOPD: Benefits and Barriers - A service review of the RAMP AC Clinic of Hong Kong West Cluster. 2012 Hospital Authority Convention, Hong Kong, 7-8 May 2012
Book Chapters
  1. Tse E. T. Y., & Fong, B. Y. F. Chapter 11. All Health Begins at Home in the Community. In B. Y. F. Fong, & M. C. S. Wong. (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community. Singapore: Routledge; 2021.

Research Funding
Principal Investigator
2018-2021 Enhanced New Staff Start-up Research Grant (HK$380,000). “A pilot study on the validity and reliability of ‘The Person-Centered Primary Care Measure’ in a Chinese population”

2019-2024 Health and Health Services Research Fund Commissioned Research to Support Local Cohorts and Follow-up Studies(CFS-HKU4, HK$5,999,020,). “ Cohort study to investigate the outcomes of patients with hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus and the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of structured multi-disciplinary intervention programmes”. (P.I. Prof. Cindy L.K. Lam, Department of Family Medicine & Primary Care, the University of Hong Kong)
2013-2020 Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund (Annual funding: HK$ 2.3 to 2.9 million). Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families. (P.I. Prof. Cindy L.K. Lam, Department of Family Medicine & Primary Care, the University of Hong Kong)

Professional Services
Professional Committees
2013-present Examiner of the Exit Examination (Clinical Audit Segment), The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.
2011-present Honorary Clinical Supervisor in Family Medicine, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.
2018-present Member, Committee on Promotion of Breastfeeding, Department of Health, Government of the HKSAR.
2017-present Member, Young Doctors Committee, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.


Other Information


 25 Jun, 2023 The HKCFP Best Research Award 2022. Project title ' Ten-Year Effectiveness of the Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme-Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM) on Macrovascular and Microvascular Complications and All-cause Mortality: A Population-Based Cohort Study'.
 14 Aug, 2022  The HKCFP Best Research Award 2021. Project title ' Nonlaboratorybased Risk Assessment Model for Case Detection of Diabetes Mellitus and Prediabetes in Primary Care '.
 13 Sep, 2020  Best Oral Presentation Award for the Free Paper Competition of Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2020 on 13.9.2020. Presentation title 'Cultural adaptation and pilot psychometric testing of the Person-Centered Primary Care Measure (PCPCM) in a Chinese Population'