Chronic Diseases and Health Service Research
The research on primary health care services includes epidemiology and management of non-communicable disease and common illnesses, primary care services utilization, and outcomes of primary care services etc.
Our health services team has conducted a large evaluation of primary care service and interventions in Hong Kong with high impact publications internationally and policy impacts locally and regionally. Our multi-disciplinary projects in health and health service research have entailed collaboration between the HKU, Food and Health Bureau HKSAR, Department of Health HKSAR, Hong Kong Hospital Authority, local non-profit organizations and partners, along with regional and international institutions and others in Mainland China.
- Professor Eric Yuk Fai WAN (Data scientist lead)
- Professor Peter TANUSEPUTRO (Clinical lead)
- Professor Cindy Lo Kuen LAM
- Professor Emily Tsui Yee TSE
- Professor Linda CHAN
- Dr Ivy Lynn MAK
- Dr Shan LUO
- Dr Yuk Kam YAU
Current research projects
- Cohort study to investigate the outcomes of patients with hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus and the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of structured multi-disciplinary intervention programmes. PI: Cindy L.K. LAM, 2019-2024, Health and Health Services Research Fund Commissioned Research to Support Local Cohorts and Follow-up Studies CFS-HKU4. HK$5,999,020.
- The Development and Validation of a DM and Pre-DM Risk Predication Function for Case Finding in Primary Care in Hong Kong. PI: Cindy L. K. LAM, 2020-2023, Health and Health Service Research Fund (17181641 HK$1,499,908, tentative start date 1 September, 2020).
- Long-term impact of thyroidectomy on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for relapsed Graves disease. P.I. Carlos K. H. WONG, 2020-2023, Health and Medical Research Fund. (#17181051)
- Optimization in Hong Kong Public Health Service using Big Data research. PI: Eric YF WAN, 2019-2022, HKU Start-up Fund. HK$1,850,000.
- The risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia according to the length of the period of surveillance colonoscopy: a multi-centre colonoscopy trial. PI: Dr William Chi Wai WONG, 2019-2022, General Research Fund, University Grant Council. HK$1,073.446.
- HKCFP-HKU Primary Care Morbidity Survey in Hong Kong. PI: Cindy L. K. LAM, 2019-2022, HKCFP Commissioned grant HK$400,000.
- Crowdsourcing to Promote HCV Testing and Linkage-to-Care in China: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PI: Dr William Chi Wai WONG, 2019-2021, Gilead Pharmaceutical Research Grants. HK$2,105,591.
- Preference and cost-effectiveness of case detection and management for chlamydia control in Hong Kong. PI: Dr William Chi Wai WONG, 2019-2021, Health & Health Service Research Fund, Food & Health Bureau, HKSAR. HK$1,139,266.
- Pilot study on the association between blood pressure and risk of vascular and non-vascular diseases. PI: Dr Eric Yuk Fai WAN, 2019-2021, Seed Fund for Basic Research. HK$149,886.
- Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families. PI: Cindy L.K. LAM, 2019-2020, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund. HK$2,800,000.
- The psychometric properties of a modified Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI-2) as a tool for serial measurements of health enablement. PI: Cindy L.K. LAM, 2019-2020, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund (Annual budget HK$1.78 to 2.8 million).
- Views of primary care physicians and general public on community health service developments in rural areas of Zhejiang , China. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2019-2020, Seed Fund for Basic Research, HK$66,570.
- A pilot study on the validity and reliability of ‘The Person-Centered Primary Care Measure’ in a Chinese population. PI: Emily T. Y. TSE, 2018-2020, Enhanced New Staff Start-up Packages, HK$380,000.
Key publications
- Wan E.Y.F., Fung C.S.C., Wong C.H.K., Chin W.Y, Cindy L. K. Lam. Association of variability in hemoglobin A1c with cardiovascular diseases and mortality in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus — A retrospective population-based cohort study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. Vol. 30, Issue 7, Sep-Oct, 2016; 67: 1240-1247.
- E.Y.F. Wan, C.S.C. Fung, F.F. Jiao, E.Y.T. Yu,, W.Y.Chin, D.Y.T. Fong, C.K.H. Wong, A.K.C. Chan, K.H.Y. Chan, R.L.P. Kwok, Cindy L. K. Lam. 5-year effectiveness of the Multi-disciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme for primary care patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; (RAMP-DM) on DM-related complications and health service utilizations; A Population-based and Propensity-matched Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. 2018; 41:49-59.
- F.F. Jiao, C.S.C. Fung, E.Y.F. Wan, A.K.C. Chan, S. M. McGhee, R.L.P. Kwok, Cindy L. K. Lam, Five-year cost-effectiveness of a primary care multidisciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Program for patients with Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM). Diabetes Care 2018.
- Eric Y.F. Wan, Esther Y.T. Yu, Weng-Yee Chin, Colman S.C. Fung, Daniel Y.T. Fong, Edmond P.H. Choi, Anca KC Chan, Cindy L. K. Lam. Effect of Achieved Systolic Blood Pressure on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - A Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study. Diabetes care. 2018;41(6):1134-41.
- Carlos KH Wong, Kenneth KC Man, Esther WY Chan, CW Ho, Emily TY Tse, Ian CK Wong, Cindy L. K. Lam, Intensification with Dipeptidylpeptidase-4 Inhibitor, Insulin, or Thiazolidinediones and risks of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular diseases and severe hypoglycemia in patients on metformin-sulfonylurea dual therapy: A retrospective cohort study. PLOS Medicine 2019;16(12).
- Eric Y.F. Wan, Daniel Y.T. Fong, Colman S.C. Fung, Esther Y.T. Yu, Weng-Yee Chin, Anca K.C. Chan, Cindy L. K. Lam. Development of a Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Prediction Model and Tools for Chinese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – A Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2018;20:309-318.
- Jinxiao Lian, Sarah M. McGhee, Ching So, June Chau, Carlos K. H. Wong , William C. W. Wong, Cindy L. K. Lam. Long‐term cost‐effectiveness of a Patient Empowerment Programme for type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care. Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism 2018;
- Wu D, Lam TP, Lam KF, Sun KS, Zhou XD. Patients' coping behaviors to unavailability of essential medicines in primary care in developed urban China. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2020 Jan.
- Chin W.Y., Choi E.P.H., Cindy L. K. Lam. The effect of timing of incentive payments on response rates for cohort study telephone interviews in primary care setting with cost-minimization analysis. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2015; 15:79.
- Sun KS, Lam TP, Kwok KW, Lam KF, Dan W, Ho PL. Seasonal influenza vaccine uptake among Chinese in Hong Kong: Barriers, enablers and vaccination rates. Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics. 2020 Jan 24:1-10.
- Wu D, Lam TP, Lam KF, Zhou XD, Sun KS. Doctors’ views of patient expectations of medical care in Zhejiang Province, China. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2017 Oct 1;29(6):867-873.
- Lam TP, Sun KS, Chan HY, Lau CS, Lam KF, Sanson-Fisher R. Perceptions of Chinese towards dementia in Hong Kong– diagnosis, symptoms and impacts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019, 16(1), 128.
- Wu D, Lam TP, Lam KF, Zhou XD, Sun KS. Challenges to healthcare reforms in China: profit-oriented medical practices, patients choice of care and guanxi culture in Zhejiang province. Health Policy and Planning. 2017;32(9):1241-1247.
- Wu D, Lam TP, Lam KF, Zhou XD, Sun KS. Public views towards community health and hospital-based outpatient services and their utilization in Zhejiang, China: a mixed methods study. BMJ Open. 2017;7(11):e071611.
- Sun KS, Cheng YH, Wun YT, Lam TP. Choices between Chinese and Western medicine in Hong Kong–interactions of institutional environment, health beliefs and treatment outcomes. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2017;28:70–74.
- Wu D, Lam TP, Lam KF, Zhou XD, Sun KS. Health reforms in China: the public’s choices for first-contact contact in urban areas. Family Practice. 2017;34(2):194-200.
- Sun KS, Lam TP, Lam KF, Lo TL, Chao DVK, Lam EWW, Wu D. Do patients with and without a regular primary care physician have their psychological distress looked after differently? Journal of Public Health. 2019;41(2):399-404.
- Tse ETY. Doctor, by the way, I have more bowel opening these days; Does it matter?. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Conference; Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2019, Hong Kong, 6-8 December 2019.
- Wun YT, Lam TP, Lam KF, Goldberg D, Li DKT, Yip KC. Introducing family medicine in a pluralistic health care system: how patients and doctors see it. Family Practice. 2011;28(1):49-55.
Past research projects
- Views of primary care physicians and general public on community health service developments in rural areas of Zhejiang , China. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2019-2020, Seed Fund for Basic Research, HK$66,570.
- A pilot study on the validity and reliability of ‘The Person-Centered Primary Care Measure’ in a Chinese population. PI: Emily T. Y. TSE, 2018-2020, Enhanced New Staff Start-up Packages, HK$380,000.
- Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families., PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2018-2019, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund, HK$2,643,705.
- 10-year Risk Prediction Models of Complications and Mortality of Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Patients in Primary Care in Hong Kong. PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2017-2019, Health and Medical Research Fund (#14151181, HK$1,200,000).
- A cost-effectiveness threshold of body mass index for undergoing bariatric surgery for obese patients. PI: Carlos King Ho WONG, 2017-2019, Health and Medical Research Fund, HK$1,166,684.
- Knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical interns towards antibiotic use and resistance in Hong Kong; a mixed methods study. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2018-2019, Seed Fund for Basic Research, HK$63,460.
- A qualitative exploration in the facilitators and barriers for community dwellers at risk of diabetes mellitus to participate in community-based physical activity programme. PI: Esther Y.T. Yu, 2018-2019, Seed Fund for Basic Research. Amount, HK$63,460
- 深圳市代谢综合征患者就医选择及其影响因素的质性研究. PI: Wong WCW, 2017-2019, Shenzhen Municipal Government, HK$62,500.
- StickyRiceLove: development, evaluation and dissemination of an innovative peer-led sexual health social media promotion. PI: Wong WCW, 2017-2019, Health Care and Promotion Fund - Research Grant Projects. HK$499,175.
- Enablers and barriers of Hong Kong primary care physicians to managing patients encountering domestic violence. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2017-2018, Seed Fund for Basic Research, HK$44,320.
- The enablers and barriers of the public to comply with infection control measures for influenza pandemic in Hong Kong. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2017-18, Health and Medical Research Fund, HK$813,941.
- Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families., PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2017-2018, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund, HK$2,780,224.
- Determinants of Progression from Impaired Fasting Glucose to Diabetes Mellitus among Chinese – a 3-year follow up study. PI: Esther Y.T. Yu, 2016-2018, Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HKD$45,980.
- In-depth cost-effectiveness study of the Multidisciplinary Risk Factor Assessment and Management Programme for Hypertension (RAMP-HT). PI: Esther Y.T. Yu, 2016-2018, Health and Medical Research Fund, (HMRF 13142471, HKD 1,199,964, 1 August 2016).
- Role of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement for management hypertensive patients with suboptimal blood pressure control in the primary care setting in Hong Kong. PI: Esther Y.T. Yu, 2015-2018, Small Project Funding, HK$64,024.
- A Novel Approach to HIV Prevention: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Personal Effective Programme for Female Sex Workers in Hong Kong. PI: Wong WCW, 2017-2017, General Research Fund (GRF), University Grant Council, HK$376,572.
- Development, implementation and evaluation of opportunistic chlamydia screening for females and young males amongst healthcare facilities in Hong Kong. PI: Wong WCW, 2017-2017, Seed Fund for Basic Research for Resubmission of GRF/ECS Proposals, HK$40,000.
- Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families., PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2017-2017, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund, HK$2,914,960.
- A pilot study on the enablers and barriers of the general public in Hong Kong to comply with toilet hygiene measures. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2016-2017, Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research. Amount awarded: HK$45,980.
- Cost and Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Renal Replacement Therapy Modalities for Patients with End-stage Renal Disease in Hong Kong: Comparison between Peritoneal Dialysis and Haemodialysis Strategies. PI: Carlos King Ho WONG, 2016-2017. Health and Medical Research Fund, HK$526,952.
- Provision of Data Analysis and Report Writing Services for the Population Health Survey 2014/15, PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2016-2017, Department of Health Contract Research (DH/SEB/NCD/3/2015-16 HK$745,741).
- RCT to examine the effectiveness of empowerment program on self-managing type 2 diabetes (DM) by using motivational interviewing (MI). PI: Wong WCW, 2015-2016, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, HK$187,500.
- Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families, PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2016-2016, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund, HK$2,916,598.
- Hong Kong and health mediatization: a qualitative study. PI: Wong WCW, 2015-2016, Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HK$120,000.
- How to promote primary care in Zhejiang province, China? – A combined qualitative and quantitative study. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2015-2016, CRCG (HKU), HK$77,161.
- Survey of the attitudes and needs of integrated HIV and STI services in community health centers in China. PI: Wong WCW, 2015-2016, Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HK$47,100.
- Extended evaluation of quality of care of chronic disease management and public-private partnership programmes of the Hospital Authority. PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2011-2016, Commissioned Study on Enhanced Primary Care, Food and Health Bureau, HK$5,685,000.
- In-depth cost-effectiveness study of the Multidisciplinary Risk Factor Assessment and Management Programme (RAMP), PI: Colman Siu Cheung FUNG, 2011-2016, Health and Health Services Research Fund Commissioned Study on Enhanced Primary Care, EPC-HKU-A1, HK$1,880,000, 27 July, 2011.
- In-depth cost-effectiveness study of the Patient Empowerment Programme (PEP) of the Hospital Authority. PI: Wong WCW, 2011-2016, Commissioned Study on Enhanced Primary Care, Food and Health Bureau, HK$1,870,000.
- Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families, PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2015-2015, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund, HK$2,891,584.
- Primary Care & Health Services Research Initiatives for Families: Health Assessment and Health Empowerment Programmes for Trekkers Families, PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2014-2015, Kerry Group and Kuok Foundation Endowed Research Fund, HK$2,338,436.
- To Determine Prevalence and Contextual Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Hong Kong. PI: Wong WCW, 2013-2015, Health and Medical Research Fund - Full Grant, HK$1,280,580.
- A qualitative study of the views on weight management in overweight and obese Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. PI: Colman Siu Cheung FUNG, 2013-2015, Small Project Funding, HK$49,732.
- Longitudinal effectiveness of the Nurse and Allied Health Clinic Continence Care Service for primary care patients with urinary problems. PI: Chin WY, 2013-2015, Unfunded.
- Accuracy of HbA1c for Diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus among Hong Kong Chinese with Impaired Fasting Glucose. PI: Esther Y.T. Yu, 2012-2015, HKCFP Research Fellowship, HK$91,850.
- Early detection of dementia: the knowledge, attitudes and practice of primary care physicians. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2013-2014, Small Project Funding. Amount awarded: HK$78,650.
- Evaluation Study on Quality of Care of Healthcare Programmes. PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2010-2012, Hospital Authority tendered research project, HK$790,300.
- Study on "Morbidity and management patterns of community-based primary health care services in Hong Kong". PI: Yvonne C. Y. LO, 2007-2008, Health and Health Services Research Fund SHS-P-11, HK$450,000.
- Study on "Utilization Pattern of Primary Health Care Services in Hong Kong - Does Having a Family Doctor Make Any Difference? PI: Cindy L. K. Lam, 2007-2008, Health and Health Services Research Fund SHS-P-10 (HK$567,606).
- Is there a need to promote family medicine concept in Hong Kong? Meeting the need for recognition and treatment of depression as a model. PI: Tai Pong LAM, 2007-2008, RGC Public Policy Research Grant, HK$383,416.