Medical Education

Our department is heavily engaged in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and must of our research is inspired by our teaching and interactions with our students. Our interests and scholarly work have focused on curriculum development and evaluation particularly in family medicine, professionalism, mental health, the wellbeing of doctors and medical students, and medical humanities.

  • Professor Tai Pong LAM
  • Dr Julie Yun CHEN
  • Dr Linda CHAN
  • Dr Weng Yee CHIN
  • Dr Eric Yuk Fai WAN

Current research projects
  • Beyond the e-portfolio: connectivity and communities of learning in a virtual environment. PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2017-2020, UGC Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals. Amount awarded: HK$5,699,225.
  • Identifying and articulating the student learning experience in the MBBS 130 curriculum Enrichment Year. PI: Eric YF Wan, 2019-2020, HKU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Award HK$100,000.
  • Continuing Medical Education Practices and Preferences in the Asia-Pacific Region: A pilot survey. PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2019-2020, unfunded.

Research grants
 Principal Investigator  Research Grants  Project Title  Amount Awarded (HK$)
 Professor Linda Chan  Teaching Development Grant, 2024  Unveiling the Impact of Peer Teaching in Interprofessional Education: A Mixed-Methods Exploration  280,991
 Professor Julie Chen  Teaching Development Grant, 2023  Empowering Medical Students: MH Couture Atelier Brings Peer-led Self-directed Learning to MBBS Medical Humanities Curriculum  299,438
 Professor Julie Chen  Teaching Development Grant, 2023  Health by Design: implementation of public health posters as a multidisciplinary visual teaching device in MBBS, School of Public Health and Department of History (Common Core) curriculum development  275,670
 Professor Linda Chan  Teaching Development Grant, 2023  Effectiveness of a Cross-faculty Interprofessional Educational Intervention in Enhancing Wellbeing Literacy and Wellbeing among Health Professions Students: a Mixed-methods Study  299,438
 Professor Julie Chen  Teaching Development Grant, 2022  Student Engagement and Partnership (STEP) Program – A pilot project for the Paediatrics curriculum  299,920
 Professor Amy Ng  Teaching Development Grant HK, 2022  Enhancement of interdisciplinary professional skills in physical activity (PA) counselling  106,900
 Professor Linda Chan  Teaching Development Grant, 2021  From Literacy to Actual Collaboration: Applying a Spiral Approach to a Large-scale Cross-Faculty Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Model for HKU  200,000
 Professor Julie Chen  Teaching Development Grant, 2022  Engaging near-peer tutors in problem-based learning: Impact on teaching, learning, and career development  150,000
 Professor Esther Yu
 Professor Julie Chen
 Teaching Development Grant, 2021  A Living Library of Patient-Educators for Virtual Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Clinical Consultation Skills for Medical Students  296,020
 Professor Julie Chen  Teaching Development Grant, 2021  The Impact of a Student-driven Near-peer Teaching Initiative for Medical Students: an Exploratory Study  298,631
 Professor Julie Chen  Teaching Development Grant, 2021  Interprofessional interactive learning module on inhaler devices for the management of respiratory disorders- a student partnership approach  283,799
 Professor Linda Chan  Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff, 2021  Exploring student- and group-level predictors for teamwork achievement in interprofessional education: A multilevel analysis  150,000
 Professor Linda Chan  Enhanced New Staff Start-up Research Grant, 2020  Resilience: A Mixed Methods Study of Hong Kong Medical Educators  380,000
 Professor Linda Chan  Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff, 2020  Resilience: A Pilot Mixed Methods Study of HKU Medical Educators  150,000

Key publications
  • He Q, Dizon JIWT, Ganotice FA, Zheng B, Yeung PPN, Shen X, Ho LYW, Wong AKC, Cheng FWT, Chan KMK, Chan L, Chan SSC, Chow AYM, Chu JKP, Chua DM, Dung EC, Lee WN, Leung FCY, Wang Q, Tsia KK, Vackova D, Jen J, Tipoe GL. Unveiling the impact of interprofessional education on shaping students' interprofessional identity and collaboration perception: a mixed-method study. BMC Med Educ. 2024;24(1):855. doi:10.1186/s12909-024-05833-0
  • He Q, Lei J, Chong D, Luk P, Chan E, Shen X, Tipoe GL, Chan L, Manio MM, Dizon JIWT, Ganotice FA Jr. Unpacking the perceptions and experiences of student facilitators in interprofessional education: a qualitative study. Med Educ Online. 2024;29(1):2330257. doi:10.1080/10872981.2024.2330257.
  • Chen JY, Lam TP, Hung I, Chan ACY, See C, Tsang J. Peer-to-peer clinical teaching by medical students in the formal curriculum. The Asia Pacific Scholar 2023, 8(4), 13-22.
  • Chan EHY, Chan VHY, Roed J, Chen JY. Observed Interactions, Challenges, and Opportunities in Student-Led, Web-Based Near-Peer Teaching for Medical Students: Interview Study Among Peer Learners and Peer Teachers. JMIR Med Educ. 2023 May 15;9:e40716. doi: 10.2196/40716.
  • Ganotice F Jr, Zheng B, Ng PY, Leung SC, Barrett EA, Chan HYC, Chan CWN, Chan KWS, Chan L, Chan MKK, Chan SLP, Chan SCS, Chan EWY, Chen J, Cheuk YYJ, Chong YKD, Chow YMA, Chu KPJ, Chung HYB, Ho SYA, Jen J, Jin J, Khoo US, Lam HYA, Lam MPS, Lam SFV, Lee PP, Lee JC, Leung CYF, Leung AKY, Lin X, Liu RKW, Lou WQV, Luk P, Ng LHZ, Ng YMA, Ng TWT, See LMM, Shen J, Shen X, Szeto G, Tam EYT, To KK, Tso WW, Vackova D, Wang N, Wang R, Wong HYG, Wong KTJ, Wong MYA, Wong YHJ, Yuen KYJ, Yuen WYG, Orlu M, Tipoe GL. Towards a global partnership model in interprofessional education for cross-sector problem-solving. BMC Med Educ. 2023;23(1):457. doi:10.1186/s12909-023-04290-5
  • Ganotice FA Jr, Shen X, Yuen JKY, Chow YMA, Wong AMY, Chan KMK, Zheng B, Chan L, Ng PY, Leung SC, Barrett E, Chan HYC, Chan WN, Chan KWS, Chan SLP, Chan SCS, Chan EWY, Cheuk YYJ, Choy J, He Q, Jen J, Jin J, Khoo US, Lam HYA, Lam MPS, Law YW, Lee JCY, Leung FCY, Leung A, Liu RKW, Lou VWQ, Luk P, Ng ZLH, Ng AYM, Pun MWM, See MLM, Shen J, Szeto GPY, Tam EYT, Tso WWY, Wang N, Wang R, Wong JKT, Wong JYH, Yuen GWY, Tipoe GL. Students' interaction anxiety and social phobia in interprofessional education in Hong Kong: mapping a new research direction. Ann Med 2023;55(1):2210842. doi:10.1080/07853890.2023.2210842
  • Chen JY, Yu EYT. Undergraduate family medicine education: The starting point for strong primary care in Hong Kong. HK Practitioner, 2022, 44:95-97.
  • Eric YF Wan, Zhihao Li, Kai Sing Sun, Karina HY Chan, Will HG Cheng, Julie Y Chen, Weng Yee Chin, Tai Pong Lam, George L Tipoe, Gordon TC Wong, Sarah SC Chan, Cindy LK Lam. Identifying and articulating the student experience in the Intercalated Enrichment Year. BMC Med Educ 22, 246 (2022).
  • Monrouxe LV, Chandratilake M, Chen J, Chhabra S, Zheng L, Costa PS, Lee YM, Karnieli-Miller O, Nishigori H, Ogden K, Pawlikowska T, Riquelme A, Sethi A, Soemantri D, Wearn A, Wolvaardt L, Yusoff MSB, Yau SY. Medical Students' and Trainees' Country-By-Gender Profiles: Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Across Sixteen Diverse Countries. Frontiers in Medicine, 2022; 8.
  • Ganotice FA Jr, Chan L, Shen X, Lam AHY, Wong GHY, Liu RKW, Tipoe GL. Team cohesiveness and efficacy explained outcomes in interprofessional education. BMC Med Educ. 2022;22(1):820. doi:10.1186/s12909-022-03886-7
  • Ganotice FA Jr, Chan CS, Chan, EWY, Chan, SKW, Chan L, Chan SCS, Lam AHY, Leung CYF, Leung SC, Lin X, Luk P, Ng ZLH, Shen X, Tam EYT, Wang R, Wong GHY, Tipoe GL. Autonomous motivation predicts students’ engagement and disaffection in interprofessional education: Scale adaptation and application. Nurse Educ Today. 2022;105549. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105549
  • Ganotice FA Jr, Chan L, Chow AYM, Khoo US, Lam MPS, Liu RKW, Poon RPW, Wang MN, Tsoi FHS, Tipoe GL. What characterize high and low achieving teams in Interprofessional education: A self-determination theory perspective. Nurse Educ Today. 2022;112:105321. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105321
  • Chan L, Liu RKW, Lam TP, Chen JY, Tipoe GL, Ganotice F. Validation of the World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) among medical educators in Hong Kong: a confirmatory factor analysis. Med Educ Online. 2022;27(1):2044635. doi:10.1080/10872981.2022.2044635
  • Lee CY, Jenq CC, Chandratilake M, Chen J, Chen MM, Nishigori H, Wajid G, Yang PH, Yusoff MSB, Monrouxe L. A scoping review of clinical reasoning research with Asian healthcare professionals. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2021 Jul 12. doi: 10.1007/s10459-021-10060-z
  • Wong K.S.S., Chen J.Y., Wu Y.H., Poon C.K.J., Tsang K.F. and Chan S.W.G., Much more than a place to store dead bodies – The role of a hospital mortuary for experiential learning on “good death” in medical education, Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2021, 24, A31.
  • Wong H, Chen J, Shih K, 2021, 'Twelve Tips for Re-imagining Problem-based Learning in Medical Education for the COVID-19 Era and Beyond', MedEdPublish, 10, [1], 110.
  • Luk P, Chen J. Exploring online learning interactions among medical students during a self-initiated enrichment year. TAPS 2021, 6(2), 66-77.
  • Julie Yun Chen, Weng-Yee Chin, Agnes Tiwari, Janet Wong, Ian C K Wong, Alan Worsley, Yibin Feng, Mai Har Sham, Joyce Pui Yan Tsang, & Chak Sing Lau Validation of the perceived stress scale (PSS-10) in medical and health sciences students in Hong Kong. TAPS 2021, 6(2), 31-37
  • Tsang, A.C.O., Shih, K.C. and Chen, J.Y. (2020), Clinical skills education at the bed‐side, web‐side and lab‐side. Med Educ.
  • Bridges, S.M., Chan, L.K., Chen, J., Tsang, J. & Ganotice, F. (2020). Learning environments for interprofessional education: A micro-ethnography of sociomaterial assemblages in team-based learning. Nurse Education Today. 94.
  • Shih, K.C., Chan, J.C.‐H., Chen, J.Y. and Lai, J.S.‐M. (2020), Ophthalmic clinical skills teaching in the time of COVID‐19: A crisis and opportunity. Med Educ, 54: 663-664.
  • Tsang, A.C.O., Lee, P.P.‐w., Chen, J.Y. and Leung, G.K.K. (2020), From bedside to webside: A neurological clinical teaching experience. Med Educ, 54: 660-660.
  • Steven W. H. Chau, Thomas Lewis, Roger Ng, Julie Y. Chen, Sarah Marie Farrell, Andrew Molodynski & Dinesh Bhugra (2019) Wellbeing and mental health amongst medical students from Hong Kong, International Review of Psychiatry, 31:7-8, 626-629,
  • Linda Chan, Dennis A. Resilience: a nationwide study of medical educators. MedEdPublish 2019;8(1):20.
  • Linda Chan, Dennis A. Resilience: a nationwide study of medical educators [Version 2]. MedEdPublish 2019;8(1):20.
  • Linda Chan, Dennis A. Resilience: Insights from medical educators. Clin Teach 2019;16(4):384-389.
  • Henning MA, Chen JY, Krageloh CU, Hill EM, Booth R and Webster C. A Comparative, Multi-national Analysis of the Quality of Life and Learning Factors of Medical and Non-medical Undergraduate Students. Medical Science Educator. 2019; 29:475-487.
  • Coiffier BCA, See CYH, Lee EYP, Chen JY, Chiu WHK and Khong PL. Exploring the experience of medical students as peer teachers in clinical ultrasonography: why do they do it and how do they perform? MedEdPublish. 2019; 8(3):43.
  • Chin WY, Wong WCW and Yu YTE. A survey exploration of the research interests and needs of family doctors in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Practitioner. 2019; 41:29-38.
  • Chen JY, Chin WY and Tsang JPY. How clinician examiners compare with simulated patients in assessing medical student empathy in a clinical exam setting. Medical Teacher. 2019; 42:86- 91.
  • Wu YH and Chen JY. Conundrum between internationalisation and interdisciplinarity: reflection on the development of medical humanities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. MedEdPublish. 2018; 7:1054.
  • Lam TP, Sun KS, Piterman L, Lam KF, Poon MK, See C, Wu D. Impact of training for general practitioners on their mental health services: The Hong Kong experience. Australian Journal of General Practice. 2018;47(8):550-555.
  • Henning MA, Krageloh CU, Booth R, Hill EM, Chen JY and Webster C. An exploratory study of the relationships among physical health, competitiveness, stress, motivation, and grade attainment: Pre-medical and health science students. The Asia Pacific Scholar (TAPS). 2018; 3:5-16.
  • Chen JY. Playing to our human strengths to prepare medical students for the future. Korean J Med Educ. 2017; 29(3):193-197.
  • Chan LK, Ganotice FA, Wong FKY, Lau LCS, Bridges S, Chan CHY, Chan NK, Chan P, Chen JY, Chu JKP, Chen HY, Ho C, Ho J, Lam TP, Lam VSF, Li Q, Shen JG, Tanner JA, Tso WWY, Wong A, Wong G, Wong J, Wong NS, Worsley A, Yu LK, Yum TP. An Interprofessional Team-Based Learning Programme involving seven undergraduate health and social care programmes from two universities: Development, implementation, and evaluation. BMC Medical Education. 2017; 17:221.
  • Henning MA, Krageloh CU, Booth R, Hill EM, Chen JY and Webster CS. Profiling potential medical students and exploring determinants of career choice. The Asia Pacific Scholar . 2017; 2(1):7-15.
  • Wong WCW, Zhu SZ, Ong JJ, Peng MH, Lam CLK, Kidd MR, Roland M and Jiang SF. Primary Care Workforce And Continuous Medical Education In China: Lessons To Learn From A Nationwide Cross-sectional Survey. BMJ Open. 2017; 7:e015145.
  • WU D and Lam TP. In Reply to Fetters et al Academic Medicine. 2017; 92:1365-1366.
  • Wu D, Lam TP. At a Crossroads: Family Medicine Education in China. Academic Medicine 2017;92(2):185-191.
  • Lam TP, Mak KY, Lam KF, Chan HY, Sun KS. Five-year outcomes of western mental health training for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners. BMC Psychiatry. 2016;16(1):363.
  • Cindy L.K. Lam. Model a close doctor-patient relationship. In Azer, SA (Ed.), Making Sense of Clinical Teaching: A Hands-on Guide to Success, p. 93-95. Boca Ration, FL: CRC Press, 2013.
  • Lam TP, Chow RWM, Lam KF, Lennox IM, Chan FHW, Tsoi SLT. Evaluation of the learning outcomes of a year-long postgraduate training course in community geriatrics for primary care doctors. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2011;52(3):350-356.
  • Lam TP, Wong JGWS, Ip MSM, Lam KF, Pang SL. Psychological wellbeing of interns in Hong Kong: what causes them stress and what helps them. Medical Teacher. 2010;32:e120-e126.

Past research projects
  • The barriers and facilitators to undertaking continuing professional education among the private non-specialist primary care physicians in Hong Kong. PI: Tai Pong Lam, 2013-2015, Health and Medical Research Fund, HK$530,108.
  • Student in Medical Education (SIME): A pilot project to train students as peer teachers in the medical curriculum. PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2018-2019, Teaching Development Grants. Amount awarded: HKD$266,532.
  • Enhancement of the quality of experiential learning in community health settings through a structured evaluation and training programme for community-based teachers. PI: Chin WY, 2017-2019, Teaching Development Grants. Amount awarded: HK$250,000.
  • Scaling Up Learning Experience in Medical Humanities Using E-Platform. PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2017-2018. Teaching Development Grants, HK$250,000.
  • Assessing student support needs to inform the teaching and learning of undergraduate medicine and health sciences. PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2015-2016, Teaching Development Grants. Amount awarded: HK$187,784.
  • Development, Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation of a Longitudinal Programme for Early Student Experiential Learning of Professionalism. PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2012-2014, Teaching Development Grants. Amount awarded: HK$173,296.
  • Development, Implementation and Evaluation of the Gamification of Learning for Medical Students Using a Pilot Educational Escape Room Experience. PI: Tai Pong Lam, 2015-2015, Teaching Development Grants, HK$113,608.
  • Towards altruism and social responsibility in Hong Kong: piloting and exploring the feasibility of a service learning programme. Development Fund in Medical Humanities, PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2015-2016, HK$96,900.
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical interns towards antibiotic use and resistance in Hong Kong ; a mixed methods study. PI: Tai Pong Lam, 2018-2019, Seed Fund for Basic Research (HKU), $66,570.
  • What are the barriers and facilitators to undertaking continuing professional education among private nonspecialist primary care practitioners in Hong Kong? PI: Tai Pong Lam, 2012-2013, Small Project Funding, HK$$66,234.
  • "Art of Empathy; Using the Arts to Cultivate Empathy for Patients and Develop Self-awareness and Developing resilience" and "enhancing wellbeing in medical students through a structured self-awareness programme". PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2018-2019.
  • Interactional dynamics in interprofessional team-based learning: Effects of learning design and environments on teamwork . PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2017-2018, Unfunded.
  • Medical students’ professionalism dilemmas, resistance and moral distress: A cross-cultural study. PI: Julie Yun Chen, 2017-2019, Unfunded.
  • Research interests and needs of primary care doctors in the Asia Pacific region. PI: Chin WY, 2017-2018, Unfunded.
  • Staff and student perceptions of the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) for the admission of students into an MBBS programme in Hong Kong . PI: Chin WY, 2017-2018, Unfunded.

Book chapters
  • Chen JY, Chin WY, Chan L. Student Wellbeing at HKU. In: Moldonyski A, Farrell S and Bhugra D. (eds) The Mental Health of Medical Students: Supporting Student Wellbeing in Medical Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2024
  • Chen JY, Leung GKK, Tong KW. Chapter 13: Relationship with colleagues. In: Chiu JSP, Lee A, Tong KW (eds) Practical Law and Ethics in Healthcare: Principles and Practices. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press; 2023.
  • Chen JY, Wu HW. Medical Humanities. In: Dent J et al (ed) A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers 6th Edition. London: Elsevier; 2021.
  • Chen JY, Ho J. A medical humanities curriculum in medical school: unexpected partnerships and unintended consequences. In: Cook-Sather A and Wilson C (Eds.) Building Courage, Confidence, and Capacity in Learning and Teaching through Student-Faculty Partnership. Lanham: Lexington Books; 2020.