Specialty Clerkship – Family Medicine and Community Care (MBBS V-VI)

During the FMCC Clerkship students will learn how to apply knowledge to solve patients' problems. It will be useful for the career as a doctor irrespective of every specialty.

The FMCC clerkship is cross-disciplinary as well as inter-disciplinary. Learning activities are framed to address four key themes relevant to family medicine and community care including:

Topics covered include:

  • Family Medicine and Primary/Ambulatory Care (includes women and child-health, ambulatory medicine and surgery)
  • Care of the elderly
  • Management of common mental health disorders
  • rehabilitation

By the end of the Clerkship, students are expected to be able to:

  • Apply appropriate clinical skills to managing health problems in primary and community-based care settings using a bio-psycho-social model
  • Work as a member of a primary care team
  • Describe the integrated and multidisciplinary characteristics of community-based care
  • Provide coordinated, multi-disciplinary and continuing community-based care
  • FMCC Introduction Seminar 2019.pdf